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#1 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2023-03-08 15:51:03

We have now updated the TDR repo, to be signed with a different, renewed GPG key.


apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 6EC19985C8047261



#2 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2023-02-20 03:43:03

Hi All,

We have now pushed a number of updated packages.

PHP 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2 are now available for ascii, beowulf, and chimaera.

All php modules on our build-list, for example php-imagick have been refreshed to include 8.2 support.

Out of support versions, such as Devuan Jessie and versions before PHP8, are no longer getting updates - but will remain available in the repo.

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 1CC02413BFF88108

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Chimaera
deb chimaera main
deb-src chimaera main



#3 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2023-02-16 01:04:01

We've not had time yet to look at Daedalus or adapting a PHP8.2 package.  Will try to get around to it.

I have updated the 8.0 and 8.1 builds, for Ascii thru Chimaera.

@john2009w - We only have x64 build environments set up - not x86,  although the sources are provided in the repo;  technically it should be buildable - but we've not tested this.

#4 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2022-02-24 10:27:40

How can I solve NO_PUBKEY 1CC02413BFF88108 error?
W: GPG error: chimaera InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 1CC02413BFF88108

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 1CC02413BFF88108

#5 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2022-02-08 20:05:34

Hi All,

We have pushed a bunch of new packages.

PHP 8.0.15 and 8.1.2 are now available.
php-xdebug packages are now available.
php-imagick is now built for chimaera.

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 1CC02413BFF88108

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Chimaera
deb chimaera main
deb-src chimaera main



#6 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2021-12-24 16:09:27


I have just now pushed a set of new php versions to the repo. 

php8.1 and Devuan Chimaera are now added.

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Chimaera
deb chimaera main
deb-src chimaera main

#7 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2021-12-23 14:01:11

If I recall, the problem is not just regarding systemd-tmpfiles.

For FPM, there is a --with-systemd compile time option, which makes fpm spend cpu cycles 'reporting' status to a non-existent systemd api.   This is not configurable in the php settings - you can't turn this behaviour off, so my builds change this to say '--without-systemd'

Perhaps the opentmpfiles shim could be used, but for now and for backwards compatibility my builds restore the old behaviour using the init script.

I expect to have some updated packages ready soon including for Devuan Chimaera.

#8 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2021-10-12 00:09:54

The repo has just now been updated, I have pushed new builds with all patches/backport fixes from the php-team/sury repo as of 06/Oct/21.

New packages are up for, for jessie, ascii, and beowulf.     

I'll try to get a look for the yaml module, however I have recently added a rebuild for php-redis.

  php5.6 5.6.40-54
  php7.0 7.0.33-25
  php7.1 7.1.33-13
  php7.2 7.2.34-25
  php7.3 7.3.31-1
  php7.4 7.4.24-1
  php8.0 8.0.11-1


The repo offers AMD64 debs, and DPKG sources.   These are untested and largely unsupported builds produced to remove the dependency on systemd.
### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main
### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main
### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

#9 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2021-07-03 01:06:56

Hi Folks,

New packages have been pushed to the repo, for amd64 jessie, ascii and beowulf.
  php7.3 7.3.29-1
  php7.4 7.4.21-1
  php8.0 8.0.8-1



The repo offers AMD64 debs, and DPKG sources.   These are untested and largely unsupported builds produced to remove the dependency on systemd.

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main
### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main
### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

#10 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2021-05-12 12:39:32

Hi Folks,

New packages have been pushed to the repo, for amd64 jessie, ascii and beowulf.

  php7.3 7.3.28-1
  php7.4 7.4.19-1
  php8.0 8.0.6-1


The repo offers AMD64 debs, and DPKG sources.   These are untested and largely unsupported builds produced to remove the dependency on systemd.

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

#11 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2021-02-06 19:20:43

I have just now added packages for php-defaults, php ( 7.3.27, 7.4.15, and 8.0.2 )

This is a make-it-work repo,  we are updating the core php versions with each of our releases, and only making the essential changes to the packaging - so that we can build things without systemd pollution.

I agree this repo is potentially time-limited, the sury derived packaging is very complicated, and I expect there will come a time when we become stuck and simply can't build new releases.

For the long term view, it would be better if a team from Devuan or from the community were to adopt it and maintain the packages.    Ideally the sury packaging should be simplified, but I do like the ability to have multiple php versions installed at the same time (eg. via cgi or fpm).  If the packaging was rewritten, I would hope that this facility is maintained.

#12 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2021-01-13 05:25:09

mckaygerhard wrote:

what about the  php-recode ??? any news about it?

There is no news yet,  Sury had a similar enquiry and answered this in his usual curt manner, read the docs.   Not exactly helpful,  however it is correct that php7.4-recode does not exist anymore, as I understand, the module is unmaintained and was removed from php's core.

I believe you can still install phpnn-recode, for earlier versions.   

I'll perhaps see if I can work out where the dependency on php7.4-recode is coming and see if I can remove it.

#13 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2021-01-12 21:59:50

Hi Folks,

We have updated the repo just now, with new builds for jessie, ascii and beowulf. 

  php7.3 7.3.26-1
  php7.4 7.4.14-1
  php8.0 8.0.1-1



The repo offers AMD64 debs, and DPKG sources.

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

#14 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-12-05 10:06:10

I'm not familiar with mirroring a deb repo - eg debmirror.    However, since the repo is browsable, I would just use a website copier such as httrack, to pull down a copy of all pages/files under /apt/devuan/.

#15 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-12-04 19:47:55

That's to be expected.   Your mirror tool shouldn't be looking for binary-all //. This repo only provides binary-amd64 and sources.   You can view the files in your web browser, by going to

#16 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-12-04 00:23:11

The tdrnetworks repo has been updated today, we have pushed some new php builds -   7.3.25 and 7.4.13

I have also added non-systemd deb packages for php8.0.0 - these are all available for Jessie, Ascii, and Beowulf AMD64.

The sources are downloadable from the repo, along with legacy builds for 5.6, and 7.0 thru 7.2. 

** Disclaimer **. These are make-it-work builds;  they all seem to work, but have not undergone rigorous testing.

The repo offers AMD64 debs, and DPKG sources.

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

#17 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-10-01 23:39:42

We've updated our repo today, pushed some new php builds -  7.2.34,  7.3.23 and 7.4.11

Packages are available for devuan jessie, ascii and beowulf amd64.

#18 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-08-07 00:43:55

We've updated our repo today, with sources and new upstream builds, for:  Jessie, Ascii and Beowulf AMD64.

Currently serving:  PHP 7.2.33,    7.3.21,   and 7.4.9.
Also legacy builds PHP 5.6.40, 7.0.33,  and 7.1.33

#19 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-07-12 12:51:58

We've updated our repo today, with new packages, and amd64 builds, for 7.3.20 and 7.4.8.     

There's nothing new for linux in 7.2.x, so this build is staying at version 7.2.31

#20 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-07-03 14:01:08

nixer wrote:


With jessie support scheduled to end June 30, 2020 (5 days from now), what is your plan for the jessie php builds?  Will you continue to build them after this date?

Do you have any plans to build php for Chimaera (current testing) any time soon?

I, and others, appreciate you building and offering your php builds to devuan.  Thank you.

We have no plans to stop building for Jessie,  we are still using this distro internally ourselves.

...  however if there is a breaking change, we may not have any choice.      -- We'll try to keep the jessie builds coming for the foreseeable.

#21 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-06-21 01:41:12

IdeaFix wrote:

Please, help me to install php-imagick. I see only php-imagick from original devuan ascii repo.

php-imagick should now be available from the repo.

#22 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-06-18 22:06:14

I don't see any reason why the packages wouldn't build on a arm system, but we're not in a position to have tested or to support this directly.

Unfortunately PHP is a bit of a monster, it's a large complicated language and the Debian based packaging system hasn't made it any simpler.

The sources I am working from, is basically sury's deb packaging, with a few of the crazy systemd-only breaking-changes reverted.

You can find all the dpkg sources in our repo, good luck!

e_defranco wrote:

What I would ask is: if I want make a php packages for arm similar as you have make for amd64 what can be the start point ? Can I use some of your adjusted source ? Have you any suggestion ?

#23 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-06-12 14:56:54

We've updated our repo today, with new upstream builds.

Currently serving:  PHP 7.2.31,    7.3.19,   and 7.4.7. 


TDR Networks

The repo offers AMD64 debs, and DPKG sources.

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

#24 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-06-07 22:37:17

Sich wrote:

Err:5 beowulf Release
  Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted. The certificate chain uses expired certificate.  Could not handshake: Error in the certificate verification. [IP: 443]
Reading package lists... Done                         
E: The repository ' beowulf Release' does not have a Release file.

An idea ?

The SSL certificate, CA bundle has been updated, so this error should have now gone away.

The issue; … y-30-2020/

The SSL certificate in use, was issued from Sectigo, and one of their upstream root CA's had expired since May 30th.   We have deployed an alternative CA bundle so the https issue should now start to sort itself out.


#25 Re: Off-topic » now requires systemd » 2020-05-15 15:04:45

We've updated our repo today, with new upstream builds.

Currently serving:  PHP 7.2.31,    7.3.18,   and 7.4.6. 


TDR Networks

The repo offers AMD64 debs, and DPKG sources.

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Jessie
deb jessie main
deb-src jessie main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Ascii
deb ascii main
deb-src ascii main

### PHP Rebuilds for Devuan Beowulf
deb beowulf main
deb-src beowulf main

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