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#1 Re: Off-topic » DSA-4371-1 apt -- security update » 2019-02-19 08:20:31

I know this topic is now about a month old, but after looking back for Debian-related news, I found out about this, and while it might not be too bad for my laptop to have this problem when it got updated, not knowing of this bug, on the 25th of January, this hole is very dangerous now for the Devuan install .isos. Is there any way that in a Devuan release we'll actually have point releases like Debian, like maybe a Devuan 2.1.0 .iso?

Oh, and BTW, it wasn't like I randomly came here after hearing of that. I just felt like testing Devuan in a VM again, and then I wondered about that APT vulnerability when installing Devuan.

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