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#1 Re: Devuan » Considering migration from a different distribution. » 2017-12-21 10:32:33

golinux wrote:

I can only answer one of your questions.
Currently there are only 'official' install images for Devuan Jessie.  There are 'unofficial' images for Ascii but official ones will be coming soon.  Beowulf will not be available until after the Ascii release and then only by upgrade or unofficial isos until Beowulf 3.0 released.

Progressive install it is.  Thanks.

#2 Devuan » Considering migration from a different distribution. » 2017-12-21 09:40:03

Replies: 5

Hi all.

I'm a long term user of Linux.  Broadly, on the last 22 years I did Slackware, Red-Hat, Suse, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, Manjaro-OpenRC and now Artix.

Alas, Artix has some minor issues that makes me consider switching to Devuan.  I already switched my professional machine to Devuan but was a straightforward installation meant to be stable (I only needed the LLVM repositories for the compilers)
Plus several of the software I use exists as a Debian package.

Now I'm considering doing so for my main home machine.

So I've got a few questions for current users.
_ Is there a way to install directly Beowulf or Ceres (without systemd of course), or must I start from the base and do upgrades stages by stage ?
_ Is KDE Plasma working, or can work ? (I think the answer is yes)
_ Has anybody got the unreal engine working on Devuan?

Thanks in advance.

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