23:00:37 <rrq> right. nw. I'll see if I can fool my cacher to hold and serve a patched consolekit package
23:04:53 <fsmithred> why does grub want ck translation files?
23:11:40 <rrq> maybe it wants to learn some new language while it waits for the prompt timeout?
23:12:52 <rrq> would you have an easy build command line for building a consolekit.deb ?
23:15:13 <rrq> ("what would Jenkins do?")
23:39:59 <fsmithred> dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b
23:40:55 <fsmithred> HA! I got tap0 to work in qemu

---------- 2019-08-09 ----------
00:53:53 <rrq> hmm; branch suites/unstable has .gmo files ??

00:58:36 <rrq> installing consolekit=1.2.1-4 gives me those .gmo directories
01:03:52 <fsmithred> how do they turn into directories?
01:04:24 <rrq> seems to be the install step
01:05:10 <rrq> the installdirs-data-yes target
01:06:13 <rrq> or install-data-yes
01:13:54 <rrq> the latter probably .. does funny things with $cat
01:18:48 <fsmithred> sleep time ffor me. good luck and watch out for that sneaky cat

04:18:22 <Centurion_Dan> I have had a crack at updating consolekit to include consolekit2... will take another look at that soon...
04:39:25 <rrq> I'm still looking ... not very straight-forward coding
04:40:15 <rrq> seemed like a good idea for someone to have a template to generate a template to generate the build scripting
04:51:45 <rrq> maybe you could tell me where/hoe it invents the use of @MSGFMT_OPTS@
04:51:53 <rrq> how
05:03:02 <rrq> hmm done by glib-gettextize

08:18:22 <rrq> Centurion_Dan: the first problem (MSGFMT_OPTS) seems to be avoided by declaring the exact gtettext version ( in
08:19:18 <rrq> building .gmo dir's seems to be a gettext issue
08:19:34 <rrq> (which generates the
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