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Pages: 1
Practically fresh install, both from Devuan (Chimaera) and GDebi, and when opening the latter it says (Taken from internet, my system locale is es_VE):
Software index is broken
This is a major failure of your software management system.
Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file
permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and
reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and
'sudo apt-get install -f'.
Synaptic does not find broken packages and I checked sources.list and (with my newbie knowledge) I think it's ok. And sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install -f returns without issues.
Sorry if there is bad english, it is not my native language.
Did you try apt --fix-broken install?
Not until now, thanks for the advice. Same result, returns without errors
Pages: 1