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how does one get a new package into the devuan repos?
for example, if you have a package that isnt directly related to devuan would you submit it to debian or is there a way to get it into devuan directly?
monopolies are able to change free software so it better serves their freedom than ours.
why is that so difficult to prove to many free software advocates, and what is it that stops them from caring?
as I well understand it since 2 years I use Devuan as my main distro, Devuan is not exactly a "normal" distribution where you can submit packages proposals. For me this distro single goal is to remove systemd form Debian. So the best way IMHO is to submit it to Debian.
thanks thierry, good to know.
monopolies are able to change free software so it better serves their freedom than ours.
why is that so difficult to prove to many free software advocates, and what is it that stops them from caring?